Royal Black
31st of May is my day. Pooh is the source of my happiness. :B Rainbows are beautiful, just like you.:D Colourguards are 2KEWL4U.(;

Skin by Ayien
Cute favicon byBabydoll
Blog owner: ______

smiling is so much easier now. (:
Sunday, 27 January 2013 | 3:02 am | 0 comments
This moth might be th worst month of my life. Gone through so much lol . But luckily so many people were thr fr me. Weewee, Adely, weilin, huiqi, etc. Aiyah most of th cgs also lah. But if dont hav them hor i might hav alr died of sadness by today. Okay enoughenough. Bought so many clothes fr cny. But itsokay cuz theres so many days t wear them. And my mum bought laoban back fr me today !!!!!!!1 OMG IM SO HAPPY. She said that she can read my mind that i was craving fr laoban but im here like nope mum you cant i didnt tell you . Lololol . Back from gettig th edusaves good progress award today. I ALMOST DIED FROM EMBARRASMENT OMG. I  couldnt bring myself t smile so i just smiled a teeny weeny bit while th others who were receiving their awards had they big wide smiles. UGH SO EMBEARRASING I COULD DIE. But nvrmind i have my $200 yay !!!Haahaha and my little sissy had $150 only cuz she was in pri sch. nt bad siah she get into top 25% butshe couldnt take th money cuz she wasnt under th FAS thingy. awwwwww so sad. :b She was ranting all th way bout why i got more money than her. She might become a stingy women when she grows up cuz she doesnt rly share her things (okay maybe sometimes lah) and she cares so much abt her moneh even 10 cent coins wtf. That time she use 10 cent t call back home and she wanted my mum t giv her another 10 cents cuz she used one t call home. Now you know what i mean. Ugh. Okay dinner time now. xoxo.

Old things | New things