Royal Black
31st of May is my day. Pooh is the source of my happiness. :B Rainbows are beautiful, just like you.:D Colourguards are 2KEWL4U.(;

Skin by Ayien
Cute favicon byBabydoll
Blog owner: ______

Happiness doesn't last forever.
Thursday, 7 February 2013 | 4:53 am | 0 comments
Heyyyy . Common tests are coming and im nt studying but writing in my blog . How great is that lol . :B But its okay. Mayb helping me t improve my english. :p You knoe start of th sch when i first saw toh leelee i was like walao i dont like her alr lah sial. But actually now she quite good siah. Like she talk to you personally she wont like shout or whatever lol . Ahhhh so great. But her lessons damn boring ugh. She talk like some snail. But its okay i can understand. People tell me t take bio but den i wanna take physics. But den physics seems so hard and bio also. AIYAH WHATEVER LAH. Tmr's cny performance !!!! Super scared like yea, Need t perform in front of th whole sch and stuff. Even though its nt th first time i performed in front of th whole sch alr but im still scared. The last time i felt like crying while waiting at the back stage lol. This kinda explains how nervous i am during performances. AND I SCARED I DROP MY FLAG DEN SUPER DUPER XIASUEY OMG. Aiyah prolly wont lah. :b /BHB MODE ON/ Haish. And you know i cant beilive that triciawent into colourguards. She might die in cg lol. I bet shes so skinny that she cant even whole a flag that weighs like less than her weight. SO MUCH LESSER. She kinda looks like her bones might crunble anytime and her face looks like a vampire cuz shes SUPER WHITE. And guess what lol. She knew a boy two days ago, started steading w him so th exact day, and broke up w him two days later. And they even kissed ON THE LIPS alr. Ugh sucha slutttt, Nvm lol none of my business even though ive ranted so much alr. Okay thats all byeeeeee . (:

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