Royal Black
31st of May is my day. Pooh is the source of my happiness. :B Rainbows are beautiful, just like you.:D Colourguards are 2KEWL4U.(;

Skin by Ayien
Cute favicon byBabydoll
Blog owner: ______

Saturday, 23 March 2013 | 11:50 pm | 0 comments
YAY CHANGED MY BLOGSKIN. Its so preeeedy. Hahahahah. So tmr we're going to this place t listne to some kind of debating thingy. Ugh i'd rather go fr band. Idk why but i just think this way hahah. Haish so depressing cuz im craving fr koi right now. And my mum's nt bad yet. So in th morning i actually had a really big fight w her. But now its ok alr cuz shes gna buy koi back fr me. :B Ystd was fun cuz we went fr a night time picnic at some kind of riverside. But it was so breezy and relaxing. Like having the wind blowing directly at ur face hahaha. My grade 5 theory exam is over hooray!!! But idk whether i will do well anot. Hope i didnt fail. Cuz this is like my first time taking my piano exams. WHOOOOP. SYF outdoor is staring this yr, And wt they all say that its gna b fun. Its gna b a free dieting treatment under the sun hoorayyyyyy.Hahaha i feel so gay but whatever. I will bcm slimmer YEY. Becoming black is ok but my parents insist on me putting on sunblock. They're scared that i ight get some ind of skin cancer. Maybe i will hahahahah. Okay byeee.

Old things