Royal Black
31st of May is my day. Pooh is the source of my happiness. :B Rainbows are beautiful, just like you.:D Colourguards are 2KEWL4U.(;

Skin by Ayien
Cute favicon byBabydoll
Blog owner: ______

Friday, 22 March 2013 | 3:11 am | 0 comments
Hey people !!!!!!!!! I feel so happy today. Washing flags was fun hehe. We got to play ard cuz today was only half day fr band. Piano exam's tmr. OMG RUSHRUSHRUSHRUSHRUSHRUSHRUSHRUSH. So scared lol cuz apparently its th first time im actually gonna take my piano theory exams. AND ITS FREAKING GRADE 5 . Nvm im kewl. :B Hehe.

Old things | New things