Royal Black
31st of May is my day. Pooh is the source of my happiness. :B Rainbows are beautiful, just like you.:D Colourguards are 2KEWL4U.(;

Skin by Ayien
Cute favicon byBabydoll
Blog owner: ______

Saturday, 23 March 2013 | 11:50 pm | 0 comments
YAY CHANGED MY BLOGSKIN. Its so preeeedy. Hahahahah. So tmr we're going to this place t listne to some kind of debating thingy. Ugh i'd rather go fr band. Idk why but i just think this way hahah. Haish so depressing cuz im craving fr koi right now. And my mum's nt bad yet. So in th morning i actually had a really big fight w her. But now its ok alr cuz shes gna buy koi back fr me. :B Ystd was fun cuz we went fr a night time picnic at some kind of riverside. But it was so breezy and relaxing. Like having the wind blowing directly at ur face hahaha. My grade 5 theory exam is over hooray!!! But idk whether i will do well anot. Hope i didnt fail. Cuz this is like my first time taking my piano exams. WHOOOOP. SYF outdoor is staring this yr, And wt they all say that its gna b fun. Its gna b a free dieting treatment under the sun hoorayyyyyy.Hahaha i feel so gay but whatever. I will bcm slimmer YEY. Becoming black is ok but my parents insist on me putting on sunblock. They're scared that i ight get some ind of skin cancer. Maybe i will hahahahah. Okay byeee.

Friday, 22 March 2013 | 3:11 am | 0 comments
Hey people !!!!!!!!! I feel so happy today. Washing flags was fun hehe. We got to play ard cuz today was only half day fr band. Piano exam's tmr. OMG RUSHRUSHRUSHRUSHRUSHRUSHRUSHRUSH. So scared lol cuz apparently its th first time im actually gonna take my piano theory exams. AND ITS FREAKING GRADE 5 . Nvm im kewl. :B Hehe.

Happiness doesn't last forever.
Thursday, 7 February 2013 | 4:53 am | 0 comments
Heyyyy . Common tests are coming and im nt studying but writing in my blog . How great is that lol . :B But its okay. Mayb helping me t improve my english. :p You knoe start of th sch when i first saw toh leelee i was like walao i dont like her alr lah sial. But actually now she quite good siah. Like she talk to you personally she wont like shout or whatever lol . Ahhhh so great. But her lessons damn boring ugh. She talk like some snail. But its okay i can understand. People tell me t take bio but den i wanna take physics. But den physics seems so hard and bio also. AIYAH WHATEVER LAH. Tmr's cny performance !!!! Super scared like yea, Need t perform in front of th whole sch and stuff. Even though its nt th first time i performed in front of th whole sch alr but im still scared. The last time i felt like crying while waiting at the back stage lol. This kinda explains how nervous i am during performances. AND I SCARED I DROP MY FLAG DEN SUPER DUPER XIASUEY OMG. Aiyah prolly wont lah. :b /BHB MODE ON/ Haish. And you know i cant beilive that triciawent into colourguards. She might die in cg lol. I bet shes so skinny that she cant even whole a flag that weighs like less than her weight. SO MUCH LESSER. She kinda looks like her bones might crunble anytime and her face looks like a vampire cuz shes SUPER WHITE. And guess what lol. She knew a boy two days ago, started steading w him so th exact day, and broke up w him two days later. And they even kissed ON THE LIPS alr. Ugh sucha slutttt, Nvm lol none of my business even though ive ranted so much alr. Okay thats all byeeeeee . (:

smiling is so much easier now. (:
Sunday, 27 January 2013 | 3:02 am | 0 comments
This moth might be th worst month of my life. Gone through so much lol . But luckily so many people were thr fr me. Weewee, Adely, weilin, huiqi, etc. Aiyah most of th cgs also lah. But if dont hav them hor i might hav alr died of sadness by today. Okay enoughenough. Bought so many clothes fr cny. But itsokay cuz theres so many days t wear them. And my mum bought laoban back fr me today !!!!!!!1 OMG IM SO HAPPY. She said that she can read my mind that i was craving fr laoban but im here like nope mum you cant i didnt tell you . Lololol . Back from gettig th edusaves good progress award today. I ALMOST DIED FROM EMBARRASMENT OMG. I  couldnt bring myself t smile so i just smiled a teeny weeny bit while th others who were receiving their awards had they big wide smiles. UGH SO EMBEARRASING I COULD DIE. But nvrmind i have my $200 yay !!!Haahaha and my little sissy had $150 only cuz she was in pri sch. nt bad siah she get into top 25% butshe couldnt take th money cuz she wasnt under th FAS thingy. awwwwww so sad. :b She was ranting all th way bout why i got more money than her. She might become a stingy women when she grows up cuz she doesnt rly share her things (okay maybe sometimes lah) and she cares so much abt her moneh even 10 cent coins wtf. That time she use 10 cent t call back home and she wanted my mum t giv her another 10 cents cuz she used one t call home. Now you know what i mean. Ugh. Okay dinner time now. xoxo.

Sec sch posting^_^
Friday, 23 December 2011 | 4:17 am | 0 comments
Got sec sch posting results alr eh .
Me class is 1E3(:
Like C class eh ?
Hahaha .
Ppl trying to appeal to get into Bowen Sec .
Heheheh .
Heng i got in .
Zann also same sch as me :D
But diff class .
She 1E4 .:(
Nbm .
A lot ppl from Xinmin Pri and Nan Chiau Pri siol .
So good for them lor .
* Envious *
Vic got into Edgefield .
But she wanna appeal go her sister sch which is
Hehehheheheeh .
I'm COMFIRM gonna miss my pri sch frens .
